BSG RPG File Archive

Battlestar Galactica Role Playing – Google+ Community File Archive

With the demise of Google+ I have created this page to link to the Files that were part of the Battlestar Galactica Role Playing Community that I had set up there.

The files are divided into folders based on the game system that they apply to.  In one case I’ve just linked to the folder itself.  I’ll try and add some descriptions of what the files are as well.

BSG – Cortex

Ares Guide to Infantry Weapons of the Colonies.pdf – A fan created sourcebook for the Battlestar Galactica Role playing game. It is a guide to some of the weapons and equipment used by the Colonial Military and the Defence Forces of the Colonies as well as weapons and equipment used by the Cylons.
Authors: Kendal Leask & Arnold Devillena

chiron – Krystal Tear’s.pdf – A short story and some character write ups for some NPCs.
Author: unknown.
I think this was some source material for a campaign, but I don’t have any other related materials.

Colonial Warbook IIe.pdf – This revised and updated volume represents fanfic ships that were posted to the forums as completed vessels up until April 2010. In addition it adds in certain ships that I (Kendal Leask) have seen posted on a few different websites – and for which I have provided the stats.
Author: Kendal Leask

Nomen 1c.pdf – A write up for Roleplaying Borellian Nomen in the BSG Roleplaying Game and background information on them.
Author: Kendal Leask

The_Thin_Blue_Line.pdf – A fan supplement more fully documenting the Colonial Military, both seen and unseen, for the RPG. Includes describing the structure of the organizations and the Weapons, Ships and other equipment.
Authors: Kendal Leask, Jan Hendrik Friedrich, Michael Chumbler, Mark Hughes, [Selek]

BSG – D6

BSG Spaceship Movement.docx


basestar grid.jpg
battlestar grid.jpg
cylon sheet.jpg
fasa counters.jpg
fasa grid.jpg
FasaBSGRecord Sheets_Colonial_and_Cylon.pdf
viper sheet.jpg

BSG – Full Thrust

BSG – General


BSG – Savage

Savage Battlestar additions.pdf
Savage Battlestar Campaign.pdf
Savage Battlestar Galactica.pdf

BSG – X-Wing

There are many individual files for individual BSG ships which can be used for First Edition X-Wing, too many to list individually so I’ve just linked to the folder.