I decided to give 3D printing a try via Shapeways, so I ordered two batches of ships from them, mostly in the cheapest format, “White, Strong, Flexible”. This post is a listing of the ships that I ordered for reference, I’ll describe how they worked out with painting in future posts. The “1/270” scale is the scale used in the X-Wing game. I ordered most of the Fighter ships I could find for Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers, with a couple Space 1999 ships thrown in for the second order.
This is the first order:
Starting from the top going across we have:
Second row:
Space Race -#3 – Starfighter – in Frosted Ultra Detail
Draconian Hatchet Fighter 1/270 – 2 per pack
Thunder Fighter Variants 1/270 (Buck Rogers)
And here is the second order: